
L-istudenti tal-IT Applikat matul din is-sena tgħallmu dwar in-networking. Tgħallmu dwar il-proċess sħiħ sa mill-bidu nett, jiġifieri dwar kif il-wires jgħaddu minn trinek/pajpijiet, sa ma jaslu għall-patch panel u l-iswiċċ … il-passi kollha meħtieġa biex jinħoloq Punt ta’ Aċċess Wireless u jittestjaw l-internet fuq it-tagħmir varju. Ovvjament, xi ftit għajnuna minn kulħadd tiswa mitqilha deheb fil-proċess li jwassal sabiex tinħoloq sistema sħiħa ta’ network mill-qiegħ nett.

Applied I.T. Year 10 students learn about networking during the year. The learn the whole process from the very beginning, from how the wires pass through the trunking/conduits, to the patch panel, to the switch…. all the way to setting up the Wireless Access Point and testing the internet on the devices. Of course, a little help from each other goes a long way in managing to set up the whole network system from scratch.

Ms. P Madiona
IT Teacher