PTI Year 9 – Project Based Learning

L-istudenti tal-klassi 9 Topaz ipparteċipaw fil-Unit Project Based Learning fis-suġġett tal-PTI fejn riedu jgħażlu proġett, jippjanawh u jimplimentawh b’mod individwali. L-istudenti kollha għażlu proġetti interessanti immens fejn saret ħidma b’materjali u metodi differenti fosthom xogħol bl-injam, kanvas u tpinġija, drapp u ħjata. L-istudenti setgħu jipprattikaw bosta ħiliet differenti bħal ippjanar, kif tqassam il-ħin sew, ħidma b’għodda differenti b’mod sigur, kreattività u taħdit fil-pubbliku. Prosit kbira lill-istudenti u grazzi lill-LSEs u tas-Sur Joseph Seisun tal-għajnuna u l-gwida matul dawn il-ġimghat.

The Year 9 Topaz students participated in the Project Based Learning Unit during PTI where they needed to choose a project, plan it, and implement it individually. The students chose very interesting projects and worked with different materials and methods including woodwork, canvas and drawing, fabric and sewing. The students practiced various skills such as planning, time management, working with different tools in a safe way, creativity and public speaking. Well done to all the students and thank you to the class LSEs and Mr. Joseph Seisun, for all the help and guidance during these weeks.

Ms. Rachel Ann Zammit
PTI Teacher