Prince’s Trust International (PTI) Achieve
General introduction to the subject:
PTI Achieve aims to enhance the personal development and employability skills for Maltese students, emphasizing on careers and preparation for work with opportunities to link up with employers. The PTI Achieve Programme provides young people with the space and attention they need to learn skills, develop confidence, raise aspirations and improve their attitude to learning as well as to form a sense of ownership of their work and development. The students are empowered to make decisions and develop leadership skills and to prepare themselves for progression into further education programmes or into the world of employment. Students participating in the programme have a wide range of topics to choose from and, also, the choice to work towards different qualifications at different levels (MQF Level 1, MQF Level 2, and MQF Level 3). PTI Achieve complements all other subjects in the Vocational and Applied route.
Topics studied:
• Career Planning
• Community Impact
• Customer Experience
• Digital Skills
• Experiencing the World of Work
• Managing Money
• Personal Development
• Preparing for the World of Work
• Presentation Skills
• Project-based learning
• Sustainability
• Teamwork Skills
• Undertaking an Enterprise Project
• Wellbeing
• Wellbeing – Healthy Eating
• Wellbeing – Physical Activity
Class activities involved:
PTI Achieve uses a flexible, modular and engaging relevant curriculum with a wide range of activities, tailored to the needs of the students. Activities include teamwork, discussions, hands-on practical activities and outdoor activities.
Homework assigned:
Since PTI Achieve is assessed through ongoing assessment all tasks related to it are carried out in class.
Assessment given:
There are no annual exams related to PTI Achieve and all work related to all levels (MQF Level 1, MQF Level 2 and MQF Level 3) are assessed through a portfolio (or e-portfolio) of evidence done in class throughout the scholastic year. Students’ evidence can be in various formats such as written, digital, audio, video and visual and can be both in Maltese and/or English.
Skills acquired while studying the subject:
• Develop their own personal growth and engagement in and through learning.
• Engage in learning that is relevant to them and support their development of personal skills and attributes that
are essential for working life and employment.
• Prepare themselves for progression into further education programmes and work-based learning.
• Teamwork skills and individual skills
• Communication and presentation skills
• Employment related skills
• Leadership Skills
• Digital Skills
• Interpersonal Skills
Skills required to study the subject: