Obstacle Course Racing

Tlett klassijiet tad-disa’ sena kellhom ħarġa fejn ħadu sehem f’Obstacle Course Racing f’The Club il-Qrendi. L-istudenti nqasmu fi gruppi differenti u kellhom diversi sezzjonijiet b’tipi ta’ sfidi u kompetizzjonijiet differenti fejn tgħallmu jippersistu aktar mingħajr ma jaqtgħu qalbhom u jinkoraġġixxu lil xulxin. Grazzi lil Julian Briffa u t-tim tiegħu għal din l-opportunità.  

Is-Sa R A Zammit

Three year 9 classes visited The Club in Qrendi and participated in Obstacle Course Racing. The students were divided into different groups and had various challenging and competitive sessions which encouraged the students to persist, encourage each other and keep trying. A special thanks goes to Julian Briffa and his team.

Ms. R A Zammit