All About Home Economics
Home Economics as an option subject
General introduction to the subject:
Home Economics (HE) incorporates the learning and mastery of knowledge, skills, and competences related to food, finance, consumer behavior, health, and the environment. These seek to develop confident, independent learners through the promotion of well-being for learning and for life. A less theoretical and more hands-on is available to students following the Core Curriculum Programme (CCP) in Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11.
Topics studied:
Food, Nutrition and Health – the nutrients, healthy lifestyle, food commodities, food production, processing,
preservation, labelling, cooking methods and planning meals for different dietary needs. Practical Interventions include the planning, preparation, cooking, serving of food and the evaluation.
Family Well-Being – the family unit, child care and development, senior citizens in society, first aid and
accident prevention.
Financial Literacy and Consumer Education – consumer rights and responsibilities, needs and wants,
budgeting, shopping practices and methods of payment.
Sustainable Living and Effective Management of Resources – the efficient use of resources, respecting the environment, food miles, carbon footprint and food waste.
Class activities involved:
Class activities may be carried out on an individual and/or group level. These include brain storming, case scenarios, discussions, quizzes, experiments, research, presentations, demonstrations and practical sessions.
Homework assigned:
Homework may include creative work, planning for and evaluating a practical session, and tasks related to the
different topics.
Assessment given:
Home Economics uses a variety of assessment modes which include practical assignments, short tasks and investigation work to allow assessment of knowledge, skills and competences with emphasis on formative assessment. Through this on-going assessment the teacher and the learner can determine the progress achieved. Feedback given by the teacher will help the students to improve their work and reach the objectives set. A summative assessment is also used to provide the teacher and students with information to evaluate student learning, skill acquisition and academic achievement.
Skills acquired while studying the subject:
Home Economics gives the students practical experience as well as relevant and transferable skills associated with:
• communication and collaboration
• measurement
• planning, organisation and prioritising work
• experimentation and investigation
• decision-making and problem-solving
• flexibility/adaptability
• creativity and attention to detail
• the use of digital technology
Skills required to study the subject:
• basic communication skills
This subject can lead you to the following Career Paths:
Careers related to Food and Nutrition
Education/Home Economics Teacher
Careers in Food manufacturing and production
Careers in Health Promotion
Careers in Health &
Social Care
Child Carer
Elderly Care