Esplora Interactive Science Centre

Fis-26 ta’ Marzu, kien imiss l-istudenti tal-Klassijiet 8 Jade, Opal u Pearl sabiex iżuru l- Esplora Interactive Science Centre, għal żjara relatata mal-istudju tal-Ġeografija🌍. Hawn l-istudenti kellhom l-opportunità li jitgħallmu dwar it-temp permezz ta’ esperimenti varji u interessenti☀️⛈🌩🌬, kif ukoll setgħu jaraw u jifhmu x’ jiġri waqt terremot, kif jibnu bini reżistenti għat-terremot, x’jiġri waqt żbroff vulkaniku🌋, kif ukoll tgħallmu dwar l-ispazju u kif l-astronawti jad-dattaw biex jgħixu fl-ispazju🚀u l-importanza tal-astrobotanika. Grazzi speċjali lis-Sa A Calleja Jones li organizzat din l-attività u qasmet magħna dawn ir-ritratti u informazzjoni.👏

As part of their Geography studies🌍, our Year 8 Jade, Opal and Pearl students went to Esplora Interactive Science Centre on Tuesday, March 26. Through fun projects and experiments, these students were able to see and learn more about the weather☀️⛈🌩🌬. They also learnt more about earthquakes, how to make buildings that can withstand them and what happens when a volcano erupts🌋. They also lived like astronauts for the day, learnt how to get around in space🚀 and why astrobotany is important. Thank you very much to Ms. A. Calleja Jones for planning this trip and sharing these pictures and details.👏