PGL Adventure UK 2024

Day 1

Various Year 9 and Year 10 students had the opportunity to enrol in an outdoor 🏞education programme at PGL Caythorpe, England, from the 1st to the 5th of April. The first day went well, with students enjoying the surrounding areas and having a blast playing ambush against each other. Thanks to Adventure Menu Malta for the awesome opportunity.👏

Diversi studenti mid-9 u l-10 Sena tagħna ħatfu ċ-ċans biex bejn l-1 u l-5 ta’ April jipparteċipaw fi programm edukattiv fil-miftuħ 🏞 ġewwa PGL Caythorpe fl-Ingilterra. L-ewwel jum mexa ħarir: l-istudenti tagħna gawdew l-ambjent sabiħ li qiegħed idawwarhom u fl-istess ħin ħadu gost jilagħbu kontra xulxin. Grazzi speċjali tmur lil Adventure Menu Malta għal din l-opportunità tal-ġenn!👏

Day 2

It was a day packed with activities. Students tackled the vertical challenge, scaling ladders, tyres, and nets, and their hearts raced on the giant swing. They collaborated effectively to conquer Jacob’s ladder and constructed rafts to compete on the lake. The final activity of the day was an international hiking trail around the centre.

Day 3

Today was another adventure-packed day. Students ziplined through green meadows, abseiled down a tower, played aeroball by jumping on trampolines while shooting basketballs, and balanced on suspended wire ropes during the high ropes course. In the evening, they danced away at their disco party.

Day 4

The last full day at PGL was another fun-packed one. Students played laser tag on a battlefield set with muddy hiding areas, perfect camouflage, and a winning attitude. After that, they experienced a sensory trail blindfolded, navigating various obstacles. In the afternoon, they enjoyed a well-deserved trip to a shopping mall and later participated in fun indoor races, culminating in a water balloon fight.

Day 5

On our last day, students participated in their final two activities: climbing and survival skills. Sadly, the adventure came to an end, but their memories will definitely last forever.