PASCH – “Schulen: Partner für die Zukunft” is an initiative undertaken by various German entities, foremost amongst which is the Goethe Institute. The main objectives of this project are to further the learning of German amongst young people by engaging their interest and enthusiasm for all things German, to motivate young people to continue their studies in Germany, and to create a worldwide network of schools, where German is taught. This project, which encompasses 2000 schools in 120 countries, is now in its fourteenth year and going strong.
Zejtun Secondary joined this project in 2013, along with Verdala Secondary, both schools at that time forming part of Santa Margerita College. Today, these two schools, now in different colleges, together with the Higher Secondary in Naxxar, continue to enjoy the benefits of this project. Since 2013, students at our school have regularly taken part in theatre festivals held in Berlin and in other European cities, where they had the opportunity to showcase their talents, as well as meet other students of German from different European countries. Students and teachers have also benefitted from yearly scholarships to Germany and from the wealth of resources, such as tablets, books, dvds and games, which are regularly funded by the Goethe Institute. Students at our school also have the opportunity to sit for Goethe Institute exams, which are recognized worldwide, free of charge.

The two scholarship winners of scholastic year 2021-2022 were Leanne Cassar and Jodie Sultana. It is with pleasure that we congratulate them for winning the scholarship and passing the B1 level exam at the end of their 3-week stay in Germany. They will both be studying German at Intermediate Level at the Junior College this year. We wish them success in their studies and hope they will avail themselves of the many opportunities of studying in Germany available to them as PASCH alumni.

Useful PASCH Links:
About the PASCH initiative – PASCH-Initiative (pasch-net.de)
Ms. Maria Stella Cannataci
German Teacher obo PASCH Team