Underneath, please find the timeline for the Parents’ Days. Please note that the bookings will open on Thursday, 9th January 2025.

Teachers by Subject
Please also find the list of teachers and the respective subject/s they teach. You may find it useful when using the booking page.
Instructions how to book an appointment
These are the instructions on how you can book an appointment for parents’ day.

Time for Bookings

Parents’ Day Tips

Help and Support

Dear parents/guardians,
We hope this post finds you in good health. Please be reminded that this year, Parents’ Day will be held over three days, from Wednesday, January 15th, to Friday, January 17th. This year’s Parents’ Day will be held online, like we used to do in previous years. Virtual Parents’ Day eliminates long queues and offers more scheduling flexibility for appointments with members of staff.
We understand that some parents and guardians may find this online format difficult. We are committed to assisting everyone throughout the process to ensure that everyone can fully participate. If you have had problems with the online booking system in the past or anticipate any problems, please contact the respective assistant heads as soon as possible. During the booking process, our staff will be available to assist you with any technical issues that may arise. Furthermore, on the actual days of Parents’ Day, we will have support in place as well.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or issues. Thank you for your continuous support.
The School Administration
Għeżież Ġenituri/Kustodji
Nittamaw li din l-ittra ssibkom f’saħħa tajba. Nixtieq infakkarkom li Jum il-Ġenituri se jsir fuq tlett ijiem din is-sena skolastika, mill-Erbgħa 15 ta’ Jannar sal-Ġimgħa 17 ta’ Jannar. Bħas-snin l-imgħoddija, Jum il-Ġenituri ta’ din is-sena se jsir online. Jum il-Ġenituri b’mod virtwali jnaqqas il-kjuwijiet twal u joffri aktar flessibilità fl-iskedar tal-appuntamenti mal-għalliema.
Aħna nifhmu li xi ġenituri/kustodji jistgħu jsibu xi diffikultajiet online. Aħna impenjati li ngħinu lil kulħadd matul il-proċess biex niżguraw li kulħadd ikun jista’ jipparteċipa bis-sħiħ. Jekk kellkom problemi bis-sistema ta’ prenotazzjoni online fil-passat jew diġà qegħdin tantiċipaw xi problemi, jekk jogħġobkom ikkuntattjaw lill-assistenti kapijiet rispettivi kemm jista’ jkun malajr. Matul il-proċess tal-prenotazzjoni, l-istaff tagħna se jkun disponibbli biex jgħinkom fi kwalunkwe kwistjonijiet tekniċi li jistgħu jinqalgħu. Barra minn hekk, fil-jiem attwali ta’ Jum il-Ġenituri, se noffru sapport kontinwu fis-seħħ ukoll.
Jekk jogħġobkom, toqogħdux lura milli tikkuntattjawni jekk għandkom xi mistoqsijiet. Grazzi għall-appoġġ kontinwu tagħkom.
L-Amministrazzjoni tal-Iskola
Parents’ Day: General Instructions (English and Maltese Version)
Parents’ Day: Booking Link
St Thomas More College, Middle & Secondary School, Zejtun (office365.com)
Important Notice Regarding Parent-Teacher Appointment Bookings
Please be advised that the online booking system for upcoming parent-teacher appointments may experience some technical difficulties. The booking system is managed by Microsoft, and they recently implemented an update. Unfortunately, this update has caused some instability, particularly when a high volume of users attempt to make bookings simultaneously. We understand this may cause inconvenience, and we sincerely apologise for any frustration this may cause. If you encounter any problems while attempting to book your appointment, please try again later. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Other Tips for Parents:
- Try booking during off-peak hours: Early morning or late evening may have less traffic.
- Clear your browser cache and cookies: This can sometimes resolve minor technical glitches.
- Use a different browser: If one browser is having issues, try another (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge).
- Contact the school directly: If you continue to experience problems, contact the school office for assistance.
The School Administration