Mathemagic Sessions

Proset mistħoqqa lil Noelle Sammut tal- klassi 8 Coral u Jean Karol Farrugia tal-klassi 8 Ruby li attendew il-Mathemagic 2022-2023, li saret wara l-ħin tal-iskola. F’kull sezzjoni l-istudenti ġew preżentati b’diversi domandi li offrew sfida lill-istudenti fejn huma ħadmu b’ħafna ħsieb, motivazzjoni u entużjażmu kemm weħidhom u kemm f’tim. L-istudenti użaw il-ħiliet Matematiċi tagħhom biex jiddiskutu u jsolvu domandi relatati ma’ fatti Matematiċi u kif ukoll number u shape patterns. Ċertament li l-istudenti tgħallmu u ħadu gost. Proset għal dawn l-opportunitajiet biex l-istudentitagħna jitgħallmu, jieħdu gost u jibbenifikaw minnhom. Grazzi tassew mistħoqqa lis-Sur Joe Mamo tad-dedikazzjoni u l-impenn tiegħu.

Two year 8 students, Noelle Sammut of 8 Coral and Jean Karol Farrugia of 8 Ruby have actively participated in Mathemagic 2022-2023, which took place after school hours. Well done Noelle and Jean Karol. During each session the students were presented with challenging tasks including a wide range of number patterns, puzzles, shapes, and facts enhancing great discussion and interaction between students. Needless to say, students constantly practiced and improved their thinking and problem solving  skills, individually and as teams members. Learning, motivation,  enthusiasm and fun could be observed at all times. Well done for such opportunities for our students to enjoy, learn and benefit from. A highly deserved thanks to Mr Joe Mamo for his dedication and commitment.

Ms R Grixti & Ms D Abela
Mathematics Teachers