European Money Quiz

Recently, a good number of Business and Accounting Year 9 and Year 10 students from our school participated in the European Money Quiz (EMQ). This is the biggest European-wide competition that aims at improving financial literacy among 13–15-year-old students. Launched in 2017 as an initiative to promote financial education by national banking associations in Europe and under the coordination of the European Banking Federation, the European Money Quiz is one of many activities organised in 30+ countries as part of the European Money Week, held in March every year. The Malta Bankers’ Association (MBA) is a member of the European Banking Federation, which organises the EMQ. The MBA, in collaboration with the Department of Accounting and Business Studies within the Directorate for STEM and VET Programmes, coordinates the national selection process in preparation for the said quiz. This is the fourth time that a local quiz has been organised to select the national winners for participation in the European Money Quiz.

Two years ago, a student from our school, placed first in the national quiz and fifth in the European finals held in Brussels. This year, some of our students were placed among the first group of students. We wish our students better luck next time and assure them that, as a school, we will continue promoting financial literacy to our students and offering them the opportunity to prepare themselves and eventually participate in this prestigious competition on an annual basis.

Business Studies Department