On Wednesday 18th and on Thursday 19th January 2023, our school organised two online meetings for Year 8 parents/guardians. These online talks focussed on the choice of subjects. Underneath kindly find all the relevant information.
The Powerpoint Presentation
My Journey: Achieving through different paths
Il-Vjaġġ Tiegħi: Nasal minn toroq different
Recording of the online meeting
The option subjects offered at our school
Acquire more information on each and every subject by clicking here.

The Explore More website
This website will help you to grow personally and professionally as it helps you to understand which courses are suitable for you by exploring different sectors. Click here for more details.

The Options Handbook 2023-2024
The Application Form 2023-2024
Għeżież studenti u ġenituri/kustodji,
Nixtiequ ninfurmawkom li nfetħet l-applikazzjoni tal-għażla tas-suġġetti. Nitolbukom tapplikaw onlajn u ddaħħlu l-formula tal-applikazzjoni sa mhux aktar tard mit- 22 ta’ Frar 2023. Hawn isfel għandkom issibu il-vidjo li jispjega pass pass kif issir l-applikazzjoni.
How to apply on MySchool – Maltese Version
Dear students and parents/guardians,
We would like to inform you that the Subject Option application is now open. Please apply online AND hand in the application form by 22 February 2023 at the latest. You should find all the step by step instructions here.