Dawn l-aħħar jumejn kellna ħafna x’nagħmlu pero’ din l-attività kienet success. Fil-fatt, ilqajna fostna l-istudenti tas-Sitt Sena u l-ġenituri jew il-gwardjani tagħhom mill-iskejjel tal-Primarja tagħna. Saret laqgħa qasira fis-sala tal-iskola qabel ma morna dawra mal-iskola, li matulha rajna l-blokok u żoni differenti, kif ukoll rajna l-laboratorji. Kien ta’ pjaċir kbir li lqajniehom fl-iskola tagħna, u aħna ħerqana li niltaqgħu magħhom, ħalli f’Settembru li ġej isiru parti mill-familja kbira tagħna.
The last two days have been extremely hectic and busy, but they have also been incredibly successful. In fact, we hosted the Year 6 students and their parents or guardians from our feeder schools. A short meeting was held in the school hall before they embarked on a tour of the school, during which they saw the various blocks and areas of the building, in addition to the special rooms. It was a pleasure to have them visit our school, and we are looking forward to meeting them and having them become a part of our large family come September.