Il-Ħamis 16 ta’ Marzu, grupp ta’ studenti tal-għaxar sena, ħadu sehem f’tournament tal-volleyball organizzat mill-Malta Volleyball Association.
L-istudenti tagħna rebħu tlieta minn erba’ logħbiet, b’total ta’ 9 punti u ġew fl-ewwel post tal-grupp. Aktar l’ quddiem se jieħdu sehem fis-semi finali u fil-finali. Prosit!

On Thursday 16th of March, a selected group of students from YR10, participated in the Schools Volleyball Tournament organized by the Malta Volleyball Association.
Our students won 3 out of 4 games and ended the group stages with 9 points, placing them in the first place! Semi-finals and finals will be played at a later stage. Well done boys!
Ms. S. Micallef
PE Teacher