Students of Yr 10 Topaz working on craft items to be sold during the Christmas Market 2022 in aid of id-Dar tal-Providenza, Siggiewi Malta. This is part of the work involved in completing the unit Community Impact as part of the PTI Achieve subject. A big well done to all the students. Heartfelt thanks to the class LSEs, Ms L. Incorvaja, Ms S. Mifsud and Ms L. Tirchette for their support.

L-istudenti tal-għaxar sena Topaz, jaħdmu diversi affarijiet biex jinbgħu fil-Christmas Market 2022 biex jinġabru fondi għad-Dar tal-Providenza, Siggiewi, Malta. Dan ix-xogħol jagħmel parti mill-portfolio bl-isem, Community Impact, bħala parti mis-suġġett PTI Achieve. Proset kbira lill-istudenti kollha. Grazzi mill-qalb lil-LSEs tal-klassi, Sa L. Incorvaja, Sa S. Mifsud u Sa L. Tirchette tas-sapport tagħhom.
Ms. R Grixti
Maths and PTI Teacher