Working on craft items to be sold during the Christmas Market 2022

Students of Yr 10 Topaz working on craft items to be sold during the Christmas Market 2022 in aid of id-Dar tal-Providenza, Siggiewi Malta. This is part of the work involved in completing the unit Community Impact as part of the PTI Achieve subject. A big well done to all the students. Heartfelt thanks to the class LSEs, Ms L. Incorvaja, Ms S. Mifsud and Ms L. Tirchette for their support.

L-istudenti tal-għaxar sena Topaz, jaħdmu diversi affarijiet biex jinbgħu fil-Christmas Market 2022 biex jinġabru fondi għad-Dar tal-Providenza, Siggiewi, Malta. Dan ix-xogħol jagħmel parti mill-portfolio bl-isem, Community Impact, bħala parti mis-suġġett PTI Achieve. Proset kbira lill-istudenti kollha. Grazzi mill-qalb lil-LSEs tal-klassi, Sa L. Incorvaja, Sa S. Mifsud u Sa L. Tirchette tas-sapport tagħhom.

Ms. R Grixti
Maths and PTI Teacher