Hawn xi ħadd għandu aptit roly poly? Dawn ir-roly polies delizzjużi saru mill-istudenti tagħna tal-10 Sena tal-Home Economics. Ir-riċetti tbiddlu biex jinħolqu roly polies tajbin għas-saħħa. Il-mili kellhom togħma mill-itjeb u kien magħmul minn jogurt u frott. Dawn ir-roly polies apetitużi tħejjew billi ntuża metodu speċjali għat-tħabbit tat-taħlita (whisking method) u tgħallmu kif joħolqu l-hekk imsejjaħ ‘ribbon texture’, jiftħu r-roly poly u jitwuha.
Anyone fancy a Swiss roll? These delicious Swiss rolls were made by our Year 10 Home Economics students. Recipes were modified to create healthy Swiss rolls. Tasty fillings such as yoghurt and fruit were used. These mouth-watering Swiss rolls were prepared with the Whisking method were students learned how to achieve the ‘ribbon texture’, fold-in and roll out a Swiss roll.

Ms. L Castillo
HE Teacher