Għeżież Studenti, tixtiequ tkunu involuti fl-iskola billi tkunu tagħmlu parti mill-Kunsill tal-Istudenti? Tafu x’inhu l-Kunsill tal-Istudenti? Araw ftit din l-informazzjoni u min hu interessat, minn għada, jista’ jikteb ismu fuq karta li ser ikun hemm apposta fuq in-noticeboard tagħkom jew ikellem lill-Assistant Head tas-sena tiegħu tul din il-ġimgħa li ġejja. Ejja semma leħnek u l-ideat tiegħek! Qed nistennewk!
Dear Students, would you like to be part of the Student Council and get involved in our school? Do you know what a Student Council is? Have a good look at this information and if you are interested, as from tomorrow, you can write your name on your form noticeboard or else talk to your Year Group Assistant Head by Friday 20th October. Come forward, talk and share your ideas! We’re waiting for you!