Irbaħna d-deheb! Illum, fl-attività mtellgħa minn Aġenzija Żgħażagħ bl-isem Student Council Democracy Awards, il-Kunsill tal-Istudenti tal-iskola tagħna ġie mogħti d-deheb għall-ħidma tiegħu matul is-sena skolastika li għaddiet. Bis-saħħa ta’ xogħolhom, ksibna dan ir-riżultat ferm sabiħ li jimliena b’kuraġġ biex naħdmu aktar tul din is-sena. Prosit!
We won gold! Today, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ organised the Student Council Democracy Awards and our Student Council was awarded gold for the initiatives and work during the last scholastic year. Thanks to the students’ commitment and hard work, we got this great and encouraging result. Well done!