Waste Reduction Campaign

Dear all,

Our school will participate in this waste reduction campaign. Parents/guardians and members of staff are invited to donate textile items for this cause. We will be provided with several textile bins to collect all textiles. The image above contains a list of the items that should and shouldn’t be placed in the textile bin.

Underneath please find a 2-page summarized poster while the other is an in-depth document on the fast fashion industry and how people can make small changes in their lives to have a more positive environmental impact through the clothes they purchase.

Moreover, the following are some FAQ’s that some of you had:

Can textile items in poor or ripped conditions be donated?

Yes, any textile materials regardless of their condition will be accepted.

What will happen to the items after they are collected at the end of the campaign?

The items in good condition will be given to Inspire where they will be recirculated through their charity shops while items in poor condition will be sent to recyclers abroad.

Thank you for your cooperation

The School Administration