Visit to Manoel Theatre

L-istudenti tad-9 Sena kellhom l-opportunità li jżuru t-Teatru Manoel, fil-belt Valletta, għal żjara ta’ orjentazzjoni organizzata mill-   Arts Council Malta. Din iż-żjara kienet esperjenza mill-aqwa li tat lill-istudenti ċans jesploraw diversi aspetti tad-dinja tat-teatru. 🎭

Matul iż-żjara, l-istudenti segwew produzzjoni affaxxinanti bl-isem COLLAR, li tittratta b’mod sħiħ dwar id-deċiżjonijiet tal-karriera. Wara l-prestazzjoni, kellhom diskussjoni mal-atturi tal-produzzjoni, fejn setgħu jaqsmu ħsibijiet u mistoqsijiet. Barra minn hekk, għamlu tour interessanti tat-teatru u tal-wardrobe, fejn skoprew aktar dwar ix-xogħol wara l-kwinti fid-dinja tal-arti performattiva.

L-istudenti verament ħadu gost bl-esperjenza, b’ħafna minnhom partikolarment japprezzaw il-prestazzjoni li ħallithom jaħsbu dwar deċiżjonijiet importanti fil-ħajja. Nix-tiequ nirringrazzjaw lis-Sa Patricia Micallef u lis-Sa Annalise Dimech Pullicino talli ak-kumpanjaw lill-grupp u għamlu din iż-żjara waħda memorabbli!👏

Our Year 9 students had the opportunity to visit the historic Manoel Theatre (Valletta) for an engaging orientation visit, organised by Arts Council Malta. The visit was an excellent experience, allowing students to explore different aspects of the theatre world.

Throughout the visit, students attended a captivating performance of COLLAR, a thought-provoking production about career choices, followed by a discussion with the creative team. They also had the chance to tour the theatre and wardrobe, gaining valuable insight into the world of performing arts.🎭

The students truly enjoyed the experience, with many particularly appreciating the performance, which sparked reflection on important life decisions. A big thank you to Ms Patricia Micallef and Ms Annalise Dimech Pullicino for accompanying the group and making this visit a memorable one!👏

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