Dalgħodu, 31 student mill-Iskola Medja tagħna rħewlha lejn Sqallija mal-għalliema tagħhom tal-Ġeografija, is-Sa A Calleja Jones. Hawn għandkom xi ritratti li ħadu s’issa. Minħabba t-temp il-grupp kellu jbiddel xi ftit mill-pjanijiet, iżda dan żgur li ma neħħa xejn mill-gost li qegħdin jieħdu l-istudenti tagħna f’din l-avventura tagħhom.
This morning, 31 students from our Middle School left Malta early for Sicily with their Geography teacher, Ms A Calleja Jones. Here are some pictures from today. The group had to change some plans because of the weather, but our kids are still having a great time and making the most of today.

On the 28th of February, Geography Club students went for an educational visit to Sicily. Here they had the opportunity to visit parts of Sicily, a park, see lava rock and understand how it forms and the fertile soil formed from it, amazing scenery and fields, and much more.
The spirit, enthusiasm and energy made the trip a nice memory to all where we laughed, sung, ate and left nothing but happy moments and nice memories.
A big thank you to all 😊