The Learning Support Zone is made up of a Learning Support Teacher (Ms. Maria Zammit) and a Learning Support Educator (Ms. Doreen Chircop). The team collaborates with other teachers and LSEs, the Guidance Team and the Psycho-Social Team, School Support Services, the School’s SMT, and the Students’ Success Team. The LSZ room is on the ground floor of Block 4.
The LSZ strives to aid and support students who are experiencing social, emotional, or behavioural challenges in a comprehensive way through a variety of enjoyable activities over the course of an 8–10-week programme. During breaks, the Learning Zone is also open for students to play indoor games.
1. The LSZ follows students referred by school staff via the School Administration. In some cases, it involves observation, assessment, and goal setting via an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP).
2. The LSZ is dedicated to assisting students in better coping with their daily challenges.
3. The LSZ plans programmes for students on issues such as conflict resolution, anger management, friendships, relationship skills, independent living skills, emotional literacy, circle time, anti-bullying programmes, and others.