Mejju: ix-xahar iddedikat lil Madonna. U għalhekk ma nistgħux naslu fi tmiem dan ix-xahar mingħajr l-inkurunazzjoni tal-Verġni Marija. Ilbieraħ l-istudenti tas-7 Sena animaw u pparteċipaw f’din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni ħelwa. Huma dawn il-mumenti li jsaħħuna bħala komunità … bħala familja waħda kbira. Grazzi lill-istudenti li qraw, daqqew u kantaw tul l-attività. Grazzi mill-qalb tmur għall-għalliema tar-Reliġjon, lill-għalliem tal-Mużika s-Sur Christopher Tanti u l-membri tal-istaff li mingħajrhom din iċ-ċerimonja ma kinitx tkun possibbli. Għal sena oħra!
May: the month dedicated to Holy Mary. And therefore we cannot reach the end of this month without the coronation of the Virgin Mary. Yesterday the Year 7 students cheered and participated in this sweet celebration. It is these moments that strengthen us as a community … as one big family. Thanks to the students who read, played and sang during the activity. Heartfelt thanks go to the Religion teachers, the Music teacher Mr. Christopher Tanti and the staff members without whom this ceremony would not have been possible. Already looking forward for next year!