Bonġu! Illum bi pjaċir ser nippreżentawlkom lill-istudenti tagħna li ħadu t-titlu ta’ ‘Student of the Term’ għall-perjodu Ottubru-Diċembru 2023. Dawn l-istudenti ġew nominati fuq dawn il-kriterji: marki tajbin fl-assessjar, xogħol magħmul fil-ħin, b’attenzjoni u b’dedikazzjoni, sforz kontinwu u titjib evidenti, imġiba eżemplari u kontinwa kemm fil- u barra mill-klassi u rispett lejn l-awtorità u lejn studenti oħra. Prosit tassew!
Good morning! We are happy to present you the students who were named ‘Student of the Term’ for the months of October through December 2023. The following factors led to the nomination of these students: overall good marks in the assessment, tasks are done on time, carefully and with dedication, on-going effort and evident improvement, continuous exemplary behaviour both in and out of class and shows respect towards authority and other students. Congratulations!