Students of Term 1 2024-2025

Bonġu! Illum bi pjaċir ser nippreżentawlkom lill-istudenti tagħna li ħadu t-titlu ta’ ‘Student of the Term’ għall-perjodu Ottubru-Diċembru 2024. Dawn l-istudenti ġew nominati fuq dawn il-kriterji: marki tajbin fl-assessjar, xogħol magħmul fil-ħin, b’attenzjoni u b’dedikazzjoni, sforz kontinwu u titjib evidenti, imġiba eżemplari u kontinwa kemm fil- u barra mill-klassi u rispett lejn l-awtorità u lejn studenti oħra. 👏Prosit tassew! 🏆👏

Good morning! We are happy to present you the students who were named ‘Student of the Term’ for the term October-December 2024. The following factors led to the nomination of these students: overall good marks in the assessment, tasks are done on time, carefully and with dedication, on-going effort and evident improvement, continuous exemplary behaviour both in and out of class and shows respect towards authority and other students. 👏 Congratulations! 🏆👏