Id-dipartiment tal-Prince’s Trust International Achieve organizza fiera tar-Rebbiegħa il-Belt Valletta fejn studenti minn skejjel u ċentri differenti madwar Malta kellhom l-opportunità li jagħmlu affarijiet biex jinbigħu lill-pubbliku. L-istudenti tagħna għamlu bosta affarijet ta’ ħelu fosthom: cookies, muffins, marshmallows, figollini, coconut balls u peanut butter balls.
The Prince’s Trust International Achieve department organized a Spring Fair at Valletta where students from different Maltese schools and centre had the opportunity to work on different items to sell to the public. Our students prepared sweet items including: cookies, muffins, marshmallows, coconut balls and peanut butter balls.
PTI Department