Dear Diary,
Today, was not an ordinary school day! We went on an outing organised by our English teachers. We went to the Drama Unit in Blata l-Bajda. I had a lot of fun during the Shakespearean play called Shakespeare’s Dream – more than I had expected! At first it was mind boggling: this is a play where the actors put up a play. It is quite confusing, isn’t it? To make it worse, all of the characters had different personalities. Thankfully, one of the main characters explained the plot and then it was easy to follow.
The play started when Shakespeare returned from the dead and met this Maltese man, who worked as a watchman at this derelict theatre about to be demolished. Sadly, the theatre was to be replaced by a block of flats, a supermarket, and a parking area. He was so funny and confused that he called Shakespeare, ‘Milkshake’. Shakespeare wanted to put up a play so he asked the Maltese watchman to call his friends over, but he didn’t have any! Poor thing!

Instead, some workers came over to tear the place down. But the watchman came up with the idea to put up one last play with the workers and gave a moving speech to convince them into participating. Basically, the rest of the play was about Shakespeare struggling to direct the workers to act out the parts. It was hilarious! After a lot of practice, they finally got it right.
I was surprised when I learnt that the play was called ‘A Mid-summer’s Night Dream’. An even bigger surprise was that Shakespeare was played by Gino from ‘Klassi Ghalina.’ I could not believe my own eyes! I was so excited when we took a picture with him as Shakespeare; all serious and dressed up in an Elizabethan costume. He is so versatile and so talented!
I hope that more activities like this are organised by the school. We really learn a lot from these outings!
Off to bed!
Viola Pizzolato
Class 8 Diamond