Breaking News: Setting a National Record for this Christmas!
We’re thrilled to announce a monumental celebration this Christmas season!
Join us in creating history as we aim to set a National Record for the largest Christmas sock with a special surprise related to it!
Be a part of this historic event! Join us on 20th December at St Thomas More Middle & Secondary School, Zejtun.
Aħbar aħħarija: Rekord Nazzjonali għal dan il-Milied
Inaqgħad magħna f’din l-okkazzjoni sabiex niksru l-akbar rekord nazzjonali fiz-zmien il-Milied, bl-akbar kalzetta tal-Milied, b’sorpriza relata magħha!
Kun parti minn dan l-avveniment storiku! Ingħaqad magħna nhar l-20 ta’ Diċembru fl-Iskola Middle & Secondary ta’ St Thomas More, iż-Żejtun.