Exciting News from Our School Band!
Our school band is made up of 47 talented members!
Over the next few days, we’ll be introducing each of our amazing band members, grouped by their musical families. Stay tuned to meet the faces behind the music
Special thanks go to Ms. Henriette Mallia @malliahenrietta for the photoshoots. Well done!

Our school band photo The band is growing every year! Come and listen to popular Christmas carols and Christmas songs throughout the Christmas market next Wednesday, December 20th, at St. Thomas More Middle and Secondary Zejtun School, from 6 p.m. onwards.

Our school band has launched another new initiative! Meet our school band members will be a fantastic opportunity to get to know students from our school band. Today we are going to introduce Klementa Abela, Year 10 student who plays the guitar. A special thanks to the band, our maestro, Mr. Christopher Tanti and our photographer, Ms. Henriette Mallia!

Carnival Activity
Christmas Village 2022
Celebration Day 2023
Il-wirja tal-banda tal-iskola tagħna matul il-Jum taċ-Ċelebrazzjoni. Proset lill-banda kollha!
Our school band performance during the Celebration Day. Well done to all the band!