Sport Career Development Programme (SCDP)
General introduction to the subject:
Learners in Year 7 may choose SCDP instead of Art, Design & Technology, Home Economics and Music while learners in Year 9 may choose it as an option subject. In both cases, subject includes four weekly lessons over and above the provision of Physical Education lessons allocated. Learners must undergo a practical assessment in their preferred discipline prior to be selected.
Topics studied:
Main sport chosen (to choose ONE from Athletics, Basketball, Dance, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Judo, Shooting, Swimming) and Fitness, Outdoor Education and Rules & Officiating. Other optional modules include Nutrition, Sports Media, Sports Photography, Sports Administration, Anti-Doping Education, Match Fixing Awareness and Sports Knowledge amongst others.
Class activities involved:
Most lessons are dedicated to the main sport selected by learner. All other areas are carried out in a practical, hands-on manner. Limited theoretical components are also included.
Homework assigned:
Mainly remote preparation as research and preparation ahead of the upcoming lessons.
Assessment given:
Majority is based on technical capability as demonstrated during practical session in main sport while other areas are assessed through ongoing assessment in the form of a portfolio.
Skills acquired while studying the subject:
• A passion for sport
• A desire to take on a sport related full-time job (playing or administrative)
• Correct aptitude in participating in moderate to vigorous physical activity
Skills required to study the subject:
• A pass in the Practical Assessment
This subject can lead you to the following Career Paths:
Fitness Instructor
Gym Attendant
Personal Trainer
Sports Photographer
Sports Journalist
Assistant Coach
Sports Policy Coordinator