Ir-rekord nazzjonali tal-akbar villaġġ tal-Milied mekkaniku u magħmul mill-gingerbread ser ikun esebit għall-jum wieħed biss: ILLUM is-Sibt 21 ta’ Diċembru f’ Qalb il-Milied 2024 bejn is-18:30 u l-22:30 ! Kun parti minn dan il-mument storiku u għix il-maġija mill-qrib. Ħu nota ta’ din il-ġurnata fil-kalendarju tiegħek ħalli tingħaqad magħna mal-familja u ħbieb tiegħek!
Don’t Miss Out!
The national record-breaking largest mechanical gingerbread Christmas village will be on display for one day only – TODAY – Saturday 21st December between 18:30 – 22:30! Be part of this historic moment and experience the magic firsthand. So, remember to mark your calendars and join us with your family and friends!
The Malta RecordsDar Tal-Providenza Siggiewi