L-istudenti tal-klassi 11 Topaz kellhom ħarġa oħra marbuta mal-Unit tal-PTI Experiencing the World of Work, din id-darba l-Mediterraneo f’Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq. Kienet esperjenza mill-isbaħ fejn l-istudenti qattgħu l-ġurnata tagħhom ma’ vet u ħaddiema li jieħdu ħsieb bosta annimali fosthom rettili, dniefel u għasafar varji. Kellhom l-opportunità li jitgħallmu dwar il-kura ta’ dawn l-annimali, ir-rutina ta’ kuljum dwar kura u ikel li jkollhom bżonn. Żgur li kienet esperjenza indimentikabbli! Grazzi lis-Sur Joseph Grech Cilia tal-organizzazzjoni.
The 11 Topaz students had another outing related to the PTI Unit Experiencing the World of Work. This time, they visited Mediterraneo at Bahar ic-Caghaq. This was a wonderful experience where the students spent their day with a vet and some workers who take care of various animals including reptiles, dolphins and different birds. They had the opportunity to learn about he day to day routine of anial care, food and other needs. It was surely an unforgettable experience! Thank you Mr Joseph Grech Cilia for organising this outing.