Illum l-istudenti tad-disa’ sena li jsegwu l-programm tal-PTI Achieve, flimkien mal-għalliema tagħhom, attendew għaċ-ċeremonja tal-PTI Achieve Awards. Nixtieq minn hawnhekk ngħid proset lill-istudenti u nixtieq ukoll nirringrazzja lis-Sa. Rosaria Grixti u lis-Sa’ Rachel Ann Zammit tax-xogħol siewi li qed jagħmlu mal-istudenti tagħna. Grazzi.
Today our year 9 students who follow the PTI Achieve programme, together with their teachers, attended the PTI Achieve Awards ceremony. I would like to congratulate our students and I would also like to thank Ms. Rosaria Grixti and Ms. Rachel Ann Zammit for the valuable work they are doing with our students. Thank you.