Preparing for the World of Work – Medavia

The 11 Topaz students had another outing in relation to the Prince’s Trust units ‘Preparing for the World of Work’ and ‘Experiencing the World of Work’. We went to Medavia where we had the opportunity to learn about aircrafts of different sizes and how they work, the various roles that specialised workers have in the maintenance of these planes. The students could also see the engines and different compartments such as the luggage and fuel sections. We also entered a cockpit. Thank you Medavia for this opportunity.

Il-klassi 11 Topaz kellhom ħarġa oħra marbuta mal-units ‘Preparing for the World of Work’ u ‘Experiencing the World of Work’ tal-Prince’s Trust. Din id-darba, morna l-Medavia fejn kellna l-opportunità li nitgħallmu dwar ajruplani ta’ daqsijiet differenti, il-mod kif jaħdmu u rwoli varji li jkollhom ħaddiema speċjalizzati fit-tiswija ta’ dawn l-ajruplani. L-istudenti kellhom ukoll iċ-ċans li jaraw magni ta’ ajruplani, kompartamenti bħal tal-bagalji u tal-fjuwil u daħlu ukoll fil-cockpit ta’ ajruplan. Grazzi lill-Medavia ta’ din l-opportunità.

Ms. R A Zammit
PSCD and PTI Achieve Teacher