Ejjew nagħtu s-sapport tagħna lid-Dar tal-Providenza billi nixtru ponsjetta sabiħa f’dan l-istaġun tal-Milied. Mhux biss ser tagħmlu d-dar tagħkom isbaħ, imma wkoll ser tkunu qed tagħmlu d-differenza lil dawk fil-bżonn. Ejjew nagħmlu dan il-Milied wieħed mimli bi mħabba u ġenerożità!
Mela, ixtri ponsjetta nhar il-Ġimgħa 6 ta’ Diċembru!
Let’s support Id-Dar tal-Providenza by purchasing a beautiful poinsettia this festive season. Not only will you brighten your home, but you will also be making a meaningful difference for those in need. Let’s make this Christmas a season of love and generosity
! So buy a poinsettia coming Friday 6th December!