Pizza Making Activity at Vecchia Napoli

The Year 9 and 10 KTI students experienced the authentic pizza making activity at Vecchia Napoli, Skyparks. After making sure that their hands were clean and wore the apron and cap, they headed to the kitchen where the pizzaiolo explained how the pizza dough is opened and gave instructions so that everyone can do their pizza. This was a very enjoyable experience for the students. Thank you Svetlana and Vecchia Napoli team for the opportunity!

L-istudenti tad-9 u l-10 sena tal-KTI kellhom l-opportunità li jesperjenzaw kif jagħmlu pizza awtentika ġewwa Vecchia Napoli, Skyparks. Wara li kulħadd ħasel idejh u libes il-beritta u fardal, ġejna mistiedna fil-kċina biex il-pizzar jispjega kif tinfetaħ l-għaġina tal-pizza u pprovda istruzzjonijiet biex kulħadd jimxi magħhom. Kienet esperjenza mill-isbaħ għall-istudenti. Grazzi kbira lil Svetlana u t-tim ta’ Vecchia Napoli għal din l-opportunità!