Pink October 2023 qiegħed joqrob ukoll. Ejjew ngħinu din il-kawża ġusta. Inti tista’ tgħin! Tista’ tordna cupcake/s
(kellem lill-Form Teacher waqt Form Time) u/jew dakinhar ta’ Pink October, tista’ tagħżel mocktail
. Kun parti minn Pink October 2023.
(Il-cupcakes huma kollha nut free u tista’ tordna cupcakes gluten free, lactose free u kif ukoll gluten u lactose free.)
Pink October 2023 is approaching fast. Let’s help this good cause. You can do your share! Order cupcake/s
(speak with your Form Teacher during Form Time) and/or grab a mocktail
on our Pink October Day. Be part of Pink October 2023.
(The cupcakes are all nut free and you can order gluten free, lactose free u gluten and lactose free cupcakes.)