Illum żar l-iskola tagħna s-Sur Gerhard Salbeck, il-koordinatur PASCH tar-reġjun tan-nofsinhar ta’ l-Ewropa fi ħdan il-Goethe Institut tal-Ġermanja. Hu kien akkumpanjat mill-Cultural Attaché tal-Ambaxxata Ġermaniża, is-Sur Ralf Eden. Preżenti għal din iż-żjara kien hemm ukoll Dr. Alice Micallef, Assistent Direttriċi (DLAP), is-Sur George Psaila, Prinċipal tal-Kulleġġ tagħna, s-Sra Erica Kawka Armeni, EO Ġermaniż u koordinatriċi PASCH għal Malta, u s-Sa Maria Camilleri Bartolo EO tal-Kurrikolu, fost oħrajn. Waqt iż-żjara, is-Sur Salbeck u l-mistednin l-oħra kellhom l-opportunità li jiltaqgħu ma’ uħud mill-istudenti tal-Ġermaniż, li urewhom xi proġetti li kienu għamlu. L-iskola tagħna hija skola PASCH, li jfisser ħafna benefiċċji għal istudenti taghna, bħal scholarships, parteċipazzjoni f’attivitajiet mnedija mill-Goethe Institut, kif ukoll ħafna u ħafna riżorsi għat-tagħlim tal-lingwa Ġermaniża.
Id-Dipartiment tal-Ġermaniż
Today, we welcomed the Pasch delegation, which included Mr Gerhard Salbeck, Pasch’s coordinator for the southern European region. Mr Ralf Eden, the German embassy’s Cultural Attaché, accompanied him. Dr Alice Micallef, Assistant Director (DLAP), Mr George Psaila, Head of College Network, Ms Erica Kawka Armeni, EO German and PASCH in Malta coordinator, and Ms Maria Camilleri Bartolo, EO Curriculum, were also in attendance. Mr Salbeck and the other members of the delegation had the opportunity to meet some of our students who are studying German at school during this visit. Our PASCH school benefits from yearly scholarships to Germany as well as a wealth of resources provided by the Goethe Institute.
The German Department