Today, the year 9 and year 10 PTI (Prince Trust International) students were invited to Montekristo to see the intricate process of how to make olive oil after harvesting olives from our olive trees at school. The students got the chance to use the olive shakers to reach the olives, even from the top. A special thanks goes to Mr. David Debono for coming to school to help us with the harvesting and olive pressing process, for his hospitality, and for the kind gesture of giving the students and the staff a sample of the pure olive oil.
Illum l-istudenti tad-disa’ u l-għaxar sena tal-PTI (Prince Trust International) kienu mistiedna Montekristo sabiex isegwu il-proċess dettaljat ta’ kif isir iż-żejt taż-żebbuġ. Hekk l-istudenti kellhom l-opportunità li jaraw il-proċess kollu wara li nqata ż-żebbuġ mis-siġar tal-iskola. L-istudenti kellhom ċans jippruvaw xi apparat biex anki jilħqu iż-żebbug li qiegħed fl-għoli. Grazzi kbira tmur għas Sur David Debono li ġie l- skola jgħina naqtgħu iż-żebbuġ, uriena l-proċess ta’ kif jintasar u jsir żejt, għall-ospitilità tiegħu u għal ġest sabiħ li pprovda flixkun ftit zejt taż-żebbuġa, kemm lill-istudenti kif ukoll lill-għalliema.

Ms. Chantelle Vella
PTI Teacher