L-istudenti tal-PTI tad-9, 10 u 11-il sena ħadmu flimkien biex qatgħu ż-żebbuġ mis-siġar li għandna fl-iskola. Din l-attività involviet il-prattika ta’ bosta ħiliet, fosthom li taħdem ġo tim, tqassam il-ħin sew, komunikazzjoni, ippjanar u tgħallmu aktar dwar l-agrikoltura. Dan ż-żebbuġ se jkun qed jingħasar biex l-istudenti jkunu raw il-proċess sħiħ – minn mas-siġra sal-bejgħ u l-użu tal-prodott. Grazzi lis-sur David Debono tal-gwida u l-għajnuna tiegħu.
The year 9, 10 and 11 PTI students worked together to harvest olives from the trees we have at school. This activity involved the practice of various skills, including teamwork, time management, communication, planning and have also learnt more about agriculture. The olives will be made into olive oil so that the students can experience the whole process – from the tree to the usage and selling of the product. A special thanks goes to Mr David Debono for his guidance and help.

Ms. Rachel Ann Zammit
PTI School Coordinator