Dear Members of the School Community,
We are excited to share an important update that marks a new chapter in our school’s history. The Ministry of Education, Youth, and Research (MEYR) has officially changed our school’s name. Effective immediately, our school will be known as St Thomas More College, Carlo Diacono, Middle and Secondary School, Zejtun. This change reflects our commitment to honoring our heritage and embracing the future as we continue to provide quality education to our students.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
The School Administration
Ftit ilu ħabbarna li l-iskola tagħna ser terġa’ tingħata l-isem ta’ Carlo Diacono, Skola Medja u Sekondarja. Iżda dan Carlo Diacono, min kien eżatt? Inti, taf min hu? Ara waħda din l-informazzjoni interessanti ħalli ssir taf dwaru!
We recently informed you that our school’s name will be Carlo Diacono, Middle and Secondary School. But who is Carlo Diacono? Do you know him? So, let’s read this interesting information to learn more about him!