Meeting the Duke & Duchess – KTI

Exciting news! One of our students, Joshua Andre Tomenchuk was among a select few KTI students to meet the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh during their recent visit to Malta, where he also had the honour of meeting the President of Malta. This incredible opportunity, made possible by The King’s Trust, showcases the life-changing experiences available to young people through this program. The King’s Trust empowers students by opening doors to unique interactions, inspiring connections, and valuable insights for a brighter future. We couldn’t be prouder!

Aħbar eċċitanti! Wieħed mill-istudenti tagħna, Joshua Andre Tomenchuk kien fost dawk il-ftit studenti tal-KTI magħżula biex jiltaqgħu mad-Duka u d-Dukessa ta’ Edinburgu waqt iż-żjara tagħhom f’Malta, fejn kellu wkoll l-unur li jiltaqa’ mal-President ta’ Malta. Din l-opportunità inkredibbli, li saret possibbli permezz tal-King’s Trust, turi l-esperjenzi li jistgħu jbiddlu l-ħajja disponibbli għaż-żgħażagħ permezz ta’ dan il-programm. Il-King’s Trust jagħti opportunitajiet lill-istudenti billi jiftaħ bibien għal esperjenzi ġodda u għarfien siewi għal futur aħjar. Ma nistgħux inkunu iktar kburin!

Ms. Rachel Ann Zammit
KTI Coordinator