
Fil-bidu tas-sena skolastika, il-kumitat EkoSkola għamel studju ambjentali fl-iskola. Innutaw li ħafna oġġetti li jintremew u li jintużaw darba kienu qed jitqassmu mit-tuck shop, fosthom basktijiet tal-karti, pożati tal-injam, tazzi tal-karti u għotjien tal-plastik. L-istudenti ddeċidew li jimplimentaw sistema ta’ karti ta’ lealtà li tħeġġeġ lill-istudenti biex iġibu mid-dar il-kontenituri, tazzi u pożati tagħhom stess li jistgħu jerġgħu jintużaw, li għalihom jieħdu timbru fuq il-karta ta’ lealtà tagħhom. Ladarba jinġabru 20 timbru, dan jiġi skambjat għal punti pożittivi. L-informazzjoni tal-iskart inġabret minn sid it-tuck shop qabel u wara l-implimentazzjoni tas-sistema. Wara l-implimentazzjoni b’suċċess tas-sistema tal-karta ta’ lealtà, l-ammont ta’ boroż tal-karti naqas bi 15%, l-ammont ta’ pożati tal-injam naqas b’10% u n-numru ta’ tazzi u għotjien naqas b’50%, f’4 ġimgħat biss. Proset lill-kumitat EkoSkola!
At the beginning of the scholastic year, the EkoSkola committee carried out an environmental review of the school. They noticed that many single use disposable items were being distributed by the tuck shop, including paper bags, wooden cutlery, paper cups and plastic lids. The students decided to implement a tuck shop loyalty card system which encourages students to bring their own reusable containers, cups and cutlery from home, for which they get a stamp on their loyalty card. Once 20 stamps are collected, this is exchanged for positive points. Waste data was collected from the tuck shop supplier before and after implementing the system. Following the successful implementation of the tuck shop loyalty card system, the amount of paper bags decreased by 15%, the amount of wooden cutlery decreased by 10% and the number of cups and lids decreased by 50%, in just 4 weeks. Well done to our EkoSkola committee!
The EkoSkola Committee