KTI: Last Activity with the Elderly

L-istudenti tad-disa’ u l-għaxar sena tal-KTI kellhom l-aħħar attività mal-anzjani għal din is-sena skolastika b’kollaborazzjoni bejn King’s Trust International Achieve u Caremalta. Din id-darba ħriġna ‘l barra kemm mid-dar tal-anzjani kif ukoll mill-iskola u morna l-park ta’ San Klement. Apparti li kilna biċċa ħobż tajba u konverżazzjonijiet interessanti, saru diversi attivitajiet fosthom logħob bil-ballun, scrabble, uno, u human library, fejn l-istudenti staqsew numru ta’ mistoqsijiet lill-anzjani dwar ħajjithom kif ukoll dwar pariri li jistgħu jagħtu lilhom mis-snin ta’ esperjenza li għandhom.

The Year 9 and 10 KTI students had their last activity with the elderly for this scholastic year with a collaboration between King’s Trust International Achieve and Care Malta. This activity took place away from the elderly home and from school since we went to San Klement park. Apart from eating and engaging in interesting conversations, various activities were done such as ball games, scrabble, uno and human library, where the students asked a number of questions to the elderly about their lives and the advice they can provide from their years of experience.

Ms. Rachel Ann Zammit
KTI and PSCD Teacher