KTI EUPA Seminar 2024

L-istudenti tal-KTI tal-10 sena attendew seminar ġewwa l-EUPA fejn kellhom l-opportunità li jitgħallmu aktar dwar id-dinja tax-xogħol u x’jinvolvi l-proċess biex xi ħadd japplika għal xogħol. Permezz ta’ logħba interessanti, l-istudenti tgħallmu dwar il-ħiliet li għandhom huma u oħrajn li huma bżonjużi u tajjeb li jaħdmu aktar fuqhom. L-istudenti ħadmu ukoll fuq CV ippersonalizzata għalihom kif ukoll ittra ta’ applikazzjoni. Dan kien parti mil-unit ta’ Career Planning. Grazzi lis-Sa Dorianne, is-Sur Clifford u s-Sur Cortis tal-għajnuna siewja tagħhom.

The Year 10 KTI students attended a seminar at EUPA where they had the opportunity to learn more about the world of work and the process of applying for a job. They played a very interesting board game which enabled them to discover what skills they possess and others which they need to work more upon. The students worked on a personalized CV and letter of application. This was part of the unit Career Planning. A special thanks goes to Ms. Dorianne, Mr. Clifford and Mr. Cortis for their help.

Ms. Rachel Ann Zammit
KTI and PSCD Teacher