Kors Kif Tibni Presepju 2024

Is-Sibt 26 ta’ Ottubru 2024, bejn id-9:00am u 12:00pm, l-iskola tagħna organizzat kors dwar kif wieħed jista’ jaħdem presepju bil-karti u l-ġibs. Dan il-kors tmexxa mill-presipista, s-Sur Joseph Theuma, espert f’dan is-suġġett.

Is-Sur Theuma beda mill-ġibs bħala l-bażi għall-presepju. Imbagħad ħadem l-għerien bil-firdiferru u l-gazzetti. Wara ta kisja bil-kolla bajda u l-ilma u kesa bil-kitchen roll, imbagħad ta kisja oħra ġibs Ingliż, serratura u kolla, mħallta bl-ilma.

Wara tħalli l-presepju jinxef, ittih il-kulur bit-trab tal-kulur tal-ġir u tisfuma bil-kolla mħallta bl-ilma.

Tkellem ukoll dwar kif wieħed jagħmel is-siġar tal-palm u siġar ieħor, kif tista’ tagħmel xatba u kif tagħmel id-dawl fil-presepju.

Fl-aħħar tkellem fuq settijiet differenti ta’ pasturi li ġab miegħu u d-differenza bejn sett u ieħor, kemm fl-għamla kif ukoll mill-pajjiżi li nħadmu fihom.

L-istudenti kellhom iċ-ċans li jippruvaw it-teknika fuq ix-xogħol li kien qed jaħdem fuqu s-Sur Theuma stess.

Grazzi kbira lis-Sur Joseph Theuma talli sab il-ħin u qasam it-talenti tiegħu mal-istudenti tagħna.

Grazzi wkoll lill-istudenti tagħna li ħadu interess sabiex jattendu. Issa jonqos li, lura d-dar, ipoġġu fil-prattika dak li tgħallmu.

Is-Sur Vincent Bartolo
Għalliem tar-Reliġjon

On Saturday, 26th October 2024, between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm, our school organized a workshop on how to create a nativity scene using paper and plaster. This workshop was led by Mr. Joseph Theuma, an expert in this field.

Mr. Theuma began with plaster as the base for the nativity scene. He then crafted the caves using wire mesh and newspapers. After that, he applied a coating of white glue mixed with water and covered it with kitchen roll. He then applied another layer of English plaster, sealant, and glue mixed with water.

Once the nativity scene was dry, he painted it using lime color powder and shaded it with glue mixed with water.

He also discussed how to make palm trees and other trees, how to create a fence, and how to install lighting in the nativity scene.

Finally, he talked about different sets of figurines he brought with him and the differences between each set, both in terms of design and the countries where they were made.

The students had the chance to try the technique on the work Mr. Theuma was demonstrating.

A big thank you to Mr. Joseph Theuma for finding the time to share his talents with our students.

Thanks also to our students who showed interest and attended. Now, it’s up to them to put into practice what they learned at home.

Mr. Vincent Bartolo
Religion Teacher

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