Kors Kif Tagħmel Presepju 2024

L-iskola tagħna ser tkun qed torganizza kors dwar kif tibni presepju Malti. Dawk l-istudenti li huma interessati, għandhom jimlew il-formula li se jirċievu b’email, nhar is-Sibt 19 ta’ Ottubru 2024. Se jintgħażlu l-ewwel għoxrin student li se japplikaw.

Our school will be organizing a course on how to build a Maltese nativity scene. Interested students should fill out the form they will receive by email on Saturday, October 19, 2024. The first twenty students who apply will be selected.

Is-Sur Vincent Bartolo
Għalliem u Membru fil-Kumitat tal-Attivitajiet tl-Milied

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