Kieran Caruana u Andre Galea

Intom tafuhom lil Kieran Caruana u Andre Galea?! Dawn iż-żewġ studenti tad-9 Sena xammru l-kmiem u tawha għax-xogħol. Ftit aktar minn sena ilu, idea mill-isbaħ nitbet f’moħħhom u qatt ma ħarsu ‘l lura. Minflok staqsew u esploraw u taw il-ħajja lil dan il-proġett. Sakemm huma jistennew it-trasport fl-aħħar tal-ġurnata, qabdu roqgħa ħamrija, naddfuha u jum wara jum bdew jiżirgħu ħxejjex differenti. Bi ftit kura u b’ħafna mħabba, din ir-roqgħa bdiet tagħti lura l-frott. U dawn l-imberkien Kieran u Andre bdew jaħsdu minn kollox: karrotti, brokkoli, basal mit-twil, kale, ħass, kurrat u ħwawar. Spiss jiġu sal-uffiċċju b’xi ħaġa li jkunu ħasdu. Issa qegħdin jibnu lqugħ għal din ir-roqgħa u fil-pjan, bl-għajnuna wkoll ta’ student ieħor Jayden Galea, għandhom il-ħsieb li jibnu compost bin ħalli jimxu iżjed fuq passi organiċi. Żgur li hu żgur li mingħandna u minn Let’s Talk Farming Programme ser ikollhom kull sapport u għajnuna. Prosit tassew!

Do you know Kieran Caruana and Andre Galea?! These two Year 9 students rolled up their sleeves and got to work! Just over a year ago, a brilliant idea sparked in their minds and they never looked back. Instead of hesitating, they explored, researched and brought their project to life. While waiting for their transport at the end of the school day, they took a patch of land, cleared it and started planting different vegetables day after day. With a little care and a lot of dedication, this patch of land soon started giving back! Kieran and Andre have been harvesting carrots, broccoli, spring onions, kale, lettuce, leeks and various herbs. They often come to the office bringing something they have harvested with pride. Now, they are working on building a protective shade for their patch and with the help of another student, Jayden Galea, they also plan to build a compost bin to take a more organic approach to their farming. One thing is for sure: they will have all the support and guidance they need from us and from the Let’s Talk Farming initiative. Well done, Kieran and Andre!

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