
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Whilst hoping this letter finds you in the best of health, please take note of the following provisions.
Textbooks Return
As the end of the school year approaches, we would like to remind you of the textbook return process. It is important for students to return their textbooks according to the schedule below to ensure a smooth transition into the next school year.Students are kindly requested to enter from Gate 2 and proceed to Block 2 foyer.
Monday 17th June 2024 | 08:30 – 12:30 | Year 8 students to return their textbooks. |
Tuesday 18th June 2024 | 08:30 – 12:30 | Year 7 students to return their textbooks. |
Monday 24th June 2024 | 08:30 – 12:30 | Year 9 students to return their textbooks except students sitting for Biology and European Studies. |
Wednesday 26th June 2024 | 08:30 – 12:30 | Year 10 students to return their textbooks except students sitting for Accounting, Chemistry and Physical Education (Option) |
Thursday 27th June 2024 | 08:30 – 10:30 | Year 9 and 10 students who had exams on 24th and 25th June. |
The old textbooks will be collected in June and the new ones will be distributed in September. Students who do not bring all the books, will not be given the next year’s books. They must find the missing book/s or pay for it. You can find more details here:
Data Collection
Kindly fill in the attached data sheets and return them on the day you return the books. You do not need to print them since we are going to give a booklet to all students before 7th June 2024.
When returning textbooks and data sheets, students have to wear the full summer uniform and mobile phones and smart watches are not allowed.
School Uniform
The school uniform, which also includes the school anorak, can be purchased from Yorkie School Uniforms. Starting next scholastic year, the colour of the gym shoes required for school will be black instead of white. You can find more details here:
The application for free school transport is now open. Apply by clicking on the link below:
Collection of Money
When you return the books, there will be a collection of money at Block 2’s entrance. This one-time payment will cover all expenses incurred for scholastic year 2024-2025, including photocopies, school diary, identification tags, use of locker and the school magazine. It is of utmost importance that you prepare the exact amount in an envelope with name, surname and class.
Year Group in 2024-2025 | Total Amount |
Years 7 – 10 | €50.00 |
Year 11 | €40.00 |
We understand that financial difficulties can arise; please know that we are here to support you. We encourage you to reach out to the head of school to discuss alternative means of payment or any other assistance that may be available. Kindly send an email to adrian.galea@ilearn.edu.mt and cc stmc.zejtun.ss@ilearn.edu.mt
Please note that the annual results will be published online on MySchool. Please also check the non-formal and informal activities. In case of any difficulties, kindly contact the school clerks.
It is of utmost importance that students check their school’s mailbox (iLearn) and our social media and school website on a regular basis. We will send regular updates during the summer holidays.
Mr. A. Galea
Head of School
Għeżież Ġenituri/Kustodji
Filwaqt li nisperaw li tinsabu tajbin, ħassejna l-ħtieġa li nagħmlu kuntatt magħkom bl-informazzjoni neċessarja qabel ma nispiċċaw din is-sena skolastika.
Hekk kif qed joqrob it-tmiem tas-sena skolastika, nixtiequ nfakkrukom fil-proċess tal-ġbir tal-kotba. Huwa importanti li l-istudenti jirritornaw il-kotba tagħhom skont l-iskeda t’hawn taħt biex ikollna transizzjoni bla xkiel għas-sena skolastika li jmiss. Dakinhar l-istudenti mitluba li jidħlu minn Grada 2 u jmorru ġo Blokka 2. Il-ġbir tal-kotba l-antiki se jsir hekk:
It-Tnejn 17 ta’ Ġunju 2024 | 08:30 – 12:30 | L-istudenti tat-8 Sena jirritornaw il-kotba. |
It-Tlieta 18 ta’ Ġunju 2024 | 08:30 – 12:30 | L-istudenti tas-7 Sena jirritornaw il-kotba. |
It-Tnejn 24 ta’ Ġunju 2024 | 08:30 – 12:30 | L-istudenti tad-9 Sena jirritornaw il-kotba minbarra dawk li se jkunu qed jagħmlu l-eżamijiet tal-Bijoloġija u tal-Istudji Ewropej. |
L-Erbgħa 26 ta’ Ġunju 2024 | 08:30 – 12:30 | L-istudenti tal-10 Sena jirritornaw il-kotba minbarra dawk li se jkunu qed jagħmlu l-eżamijiet tal-Accounts, Kimika u PE (Option). |
Il-Ħamis 27 ta’ Ġunju 2024 | 08:30 – 10:30 | L-istudenti tad-9 u tal-10 Sena li kellhom l-eżamijiet fl-24 u fil-25 ta’ Ġunju, iridu jirritornaw il-kotba. |
Il-kotba ta’ din is-sena skolastika se jinġabru f’Ġunju, filwaqt li l-kotba tas-sena skolastika li ġejja, se jitqassmu f’Settembru. L-istudenti li ma jirritornawx il-kotba kollha mhux se jingħataw il-kotba tas-sena d-dieħla. Għalhekk l-istudenti jridu jsibu l-kotba mitlufa jew inkella jħallsu għalihom. Għal aktar informazzjoni, agħfsu l-ħolqa t’hawn isfel:
Mehmuż għandkom issibu applikazzjonijiet biex terġgħu timlewhom (bl-aktar informazzjoni riċenti). Dawn jinġabru dakinhar stess meta jsir il-ħlas u l-ġbir tal-kotba. Il-kopji tal-applikazzjonijiet se jitqassmu lill-istudenti qabel is-7 ta’ Ġunju 2024.
L-uniformi tal-iskola, li tinkludi wkoll il-ġakketta tal-iskola, tista’ tinxtarha mingħand Yorkie. Mis-sena skolastika li ġejja, il-kulur tal-gym shoes tal-iskola se jkun iswed minflok abjad. Għal aktar informazzjoni, agħfsu l-ħolqa t’hawn isfel:
L-applikazzjoni għat-trasport tal-iskola miftuħa. Agħfsu l-ħolqa t’hawn isfel biex tapplikaw.
Intom mitluba sabiex dakinhar li ġġibu l-kotba, tmorru wkoll fi Blokka 2 biex isir il-ħlas ta’ darba bħala kontribuzzjoni għall-ispejjeż ta’ matul is-sena skolastika 2024-2025li jinkludu l-fotokopji, id-djarju tal-iskola, identification tag, l-użu tal-locker u r-rivista tal-iskola. Importanti li l-flus jitpoġġew ġo envelopp bl-isem, bil-kunjom u bil-klassi.
Matul is-sena skolastika 2024-2025 | Ammont Totali |
Mis-7 sal-10 Sena | €50.00 |
Il-11-il Sena | €40.00 |
Aħna nifhmu li jistgħu jinqalgħu diffikultajiet finanzjarji, jekk jogħġbok kun af li aħna qegħdin hawn biex nappoġġjawk. Inħeġġuk biex tikkuntattja lill-Kap tal-Iskola biex tiddiskuti mezzi alternattivi ta’ ħlas jew kwalunkwe għajnuna oħra li tista’ tkun disponibbli. Jekk jogħġbok ibgħat email lil adrian.galea@ilearn.edu.mt u cc stmc.zejtun.ss@ilearn.edu.mt
Importanti li tkunu tafu li r-riżultati annwali se jiġu ppubblikati online fuq il-MySchool. Iċċekkjaw ukoll l-attivitajiet mhux formali u l-attivitajiet informali. F’każ ta’ xi diffikultà, agħmlu kuntatt mal-iskrivani tal-iskola.
Importanti ħafna li matul il-vaganzi tas-sajf, l-istudenti jiċċekkjaw kemm il-posta elettronika tal-iskola (iLearn), kif ukoll il-mezzi soċjali tagħna. Se nibagħtu aktar korrispondenza u tajjeb li jibqgħu aġġornati.
Grazzi tal-koperazzjoni tagħkom.
Is-Sur A. Galea
Il-Kap tal-Iskola