Fit-13 ta’ Marzu il- klassi tas-seba’ sena flimkien mal-għalliema tagħhom is-Sa J.Cachia żaru l-Palazz tal-Inkwiżitur ġewwa l-Birgu. Hemmhekk huma ngħataw informazzjoni fuq l-ilbies tradizzjonali Malti kif ukoll fuq it-tipi ta’ tessuti li kienu jintużaw. Huma kellhom ukoll l-opportunita՝ li jaraw ilbies oriġinali tal-epoka u ħadu sehem f’ attivitajiet marbuta mat-temi tal-ilbies tradizzjonali u tal-inkwiżizzjoni.
On March 13th, the seventh year class, together with their teacher, Ms J Cachia, visited the Inquisitor’s Palace in Birgu. There, they were given information about traditional Maltese clothing as well as the types of fabrics that were used. They also had the opportunity to see the original clothing from the era and participate in activities related to traditional clothing and the Inquisition.
It-Tlieta 14 ta’ Marzu l-istudenti tas-7 Coral kellhom l-opportunità li jesperjenzaw “Il-Malti fl-Istorja” permezz ta’ żjara fil-Palazz tal-Inkwiżitur. Tul iż-żjara, l-istudenti kisbu tagħrif dwar l-ilbies tal-imgħoddi, libbsu manikini, irreċtaw fit-tribunal tal-Inkwiżitur u daru ċ-ċelel u l-kmamar tat-tortura tal-Palazz tal-Birgu.
On Tuesday 14th March, the students of class 7 Coral had the opportunity to experience “Maltese in History” through a visit to the Inquisitor’s Palace. During the visit, the students learned about the clothing of the past, dressed up, stood in the Inquisitor’s tribunal and visited the prison cells and torture chamber of the Palace in Birgu.

J. Cachia, S. Lughermo u E. Putignano
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